Bullets Overview

Bullets denote key points that you want to emphasize or steps in a procedure. For example, a bullet point can represent action items, accomplishments, or key accounts.

When creating a slide, you can change the level of the bullet's importance by indenting or outdenting the bullet. Alive e-Show has four different bullet levels. First level bullets are key topics, second level bullets provide supporting information for the first level bullet, third level bullets support for the second level bullet, and so on.

You can also specify a font for each bullet point and the bullet icon's shape and color. This can be done on a bullet by bullet basis or you can set these properties on the slide or section level. For example, you could have a different font size and bullet icon for each bullet level on a slide.

You can also emphasize an individual word or phrase on a bullet point by specifying the font attributes for those words. For example, you could underline or change the font color for a key word.

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